Litter "A"


ANGEL LADY Chrystal Light – SK
APRIL FOOL Chrystal Light – SK
AIN´T NO SUNSHINE Chrystal Light – SK
AMETHYST Chrystal Light – SK
ART of Chrystal Light – SK
AEGON Chrystal Light – SK
ATLAS Chrystal Light – PL
ALLEGRIA Chrystal Light  – SLO
ARCHIE JONSON Chrystal Light – SK

Vrh A Chrystal Light

Jenda Srdcové Eso


Jenda Srdcové Eso

Hips A, Elbows normal by OFA, Stud dog

International Champion
Champion of Montenegro
Champion of Slovakia
Champion of Poland
Champion of Romania
Champion of Bulgaria
Champion of Hungary
Champion of Serbia
Grand Champion of Romania
Grand Champion of Slovakia
Grand Champion of Bulgaria
Junior Champion of Slovakia
Junior Champion of Hungary
Junior Best in show/Bratislava, Best in show Honor Class
Multi Big placement

Ardmore Legacy King Paws Nijany



Hips A, Elbows 0, eyes clear (2019)

Champion of Montenegro

That day

two important events took place, one report pleased the people of Great Britain and the other all in the small town of Partizánske. On May 6, 2019, 10 beautiful puppies were born to proud parents. The puppies fairly shared the colors of black tricolor and bluemerle. They also divided the force into five boys and five girls.

Vrh A Chrystal Light


Jenda Srdcové eso

Stonehaven Bayshore Secret Strike 

Schaefer Vinelake Impulsive 

Bayshore BigSurprise at Stonehaven 

Hearthside Happy Message 

Wind Spirit Great Messenger 

Hearthside Made Ya Look 

Ardmore Legacy
King Paws Nijany

Harbor Seal of Redwood Ranch Ever After in Your Eyes De L’oree Des Charmois
Eve Des Minis Toon’s
Blueberry Garzo Lobo Arwin Medvědí Tlapa
Elena Svěží Vítr